On Mon, Jul 23, 2012 at 11:14 AM, Peter Münster <pmlists@free.fr> wrote:
On Mon, Jul 23 2012, Wolfgang Schuster wrote:

> This is normal

So, is this the rule of thumb:

  "You can set the size with `\setmainfont[...][size=...]'
   but there is one exception: with calligra-type1 you have
   to use `\setupsimplefonts[size=...]'."


The rationale (I think) is that a document has a  main font size, (the  reference font size) that you can set
Then, if you need to adjust the size of some variant w.r.t the reference size, then you can use
(and not 
and it's ok because so you use as reference the main font size.
