Hello Hans, Hans Hagen wrote:
I am trying to use latex fonts (to be more precize: the allrunes font) downloaded from the
what files do those fonts come with:
tfm vf afm pfb enc map
I have 16 different .tfm files. But also a lot of .mf files.
forget about the latex macros, they are not needed
OK, but how do I get context to use these fonts? I coulnd't find any descent documentation regarding this.
i can only locate pfb files and a map file; it looks like one is supposed to generate the tfm's with metafont (maybe you can ask the author to put the tfm's in the zip as well) and i'm not going to clobber my ststem with bitmaps
it comes down to:
\showfont[frucls] \showfont[frucln] \showfont[fruclr] \showfont[fruclt] \showfont[fruclm] \showfont[fruclq]
this should give you something (given that the tfm files are present) if that works, you can do: \definefont[somerunes][frucls sa 1]
\somerunes abcdef or, depending on how the fonts are organized you can set up a system (see type-* files)
I'm slowly getting there, only two more problems to solve ;) The first thing is, that to use some of the characters in the fontset I have to use \th to display them, but I have no idea how to accomplish that in context as everytime I use \somerunes \th, or \somerunes{\th} ... I get an error message. If i double mascerade it like \\th i get the symbols for the characters t and h. I am sure there is a way to get this working. The next thing, which I guess is to search more on the font-subsystem of context, is the fact that I only get my characters displayed when viewing the .dvi-file with xdvi. When executing texexec --pdf or using dvipdf (or dvips) I get nothing, or the charaters in the standard latin-typeset (i.e. ASCII). I am sorry if I bother you all with this simple stuff that can surely be solved by reading some documentation, but I pretty new to the hole tex-thing and the mass of documentation is overwhelming and sometimes prety cryptical. ;) Best regards Kai