1 Jun
1 Jun
4:22 a.m.
Hi, I defined a function using MetaFun, and call it to draw a figure. It is OK when I call it once. But there is an error when it runs the same function second time. (it stops when it call fap(3,2) after fap(2,2)) I have no idea what is wrong and how to fix it. Would you please tell me what I miss? Thank you. Best regards, Dalyoung %%%%%%% \startbuffer[test] numeric u; u := 1cm; path p[]; def fap(expr n, m) = numeric size; size := m*u; for i = 0 upto (n*n-1): z[i] = ((i mod n),(floor(i/n)))*size; drawdot z[i] withpen pencircle scaled 5pt withcolor blue; endfor; enddef; fap(2,2); fap(3,2); \stopbuffer \starttext \processMPbuffer[test] \stoptext