Dnia Wed, Oct 22, 2008 at 03:05:31PM +0200, Piotr napisał(a):
thank You (!) for the many responses - I am surprised about how many people answered with suggestions, opinions, useful information and templates.
So you get the feeling of the ConTeXt community;). Well, sometimes it looks worse, but usually not.
I think I will give context a try - if it will run on my Vista-64 System. I will check that out in the next day(s). It sounds as a good alternative to Latex if it is really superior when it comes to image inclusion with descriptive text.
Jeff, would it be allright for You to publish the source of Your very useful python Endnote-Bibtex conversion program?
Marcin, it seems the link to the polish article is defunct. But the summary was very good, thanks for it :)
Ooops, I guess that this has something to do with non-ascii characters in the url. Try this one: http://mbork.pl/2008-08-26_Dlaczego_nie_lubi%c4%99_LaTeXa
Greets -- Marcin Borkowski (http://mbork.pl) Ty okryłeś śmierć wstydem! Wtrąciłeś piekło w żałobę! Uderzyłeś niegodziwość, Niesprawiedliwość pozbawiłeś potomstwa!