Hi, I’d like to have a small poem beside my text. My approach doesn’t work, with or without \framed: Since I need this only once, I thought I don’t need to define or setup my own float. \setupfloat inherits from \setupframed, but the parameters width, style and background(color) don’t work. Aren’t they supposed to work in \startplacefloat? How can I suppress the caption? ("none" is supposed to work with \placefloat, but at least doesn’t in \startplacefloat) With or without framed, vbox and lines didn’t change much. (Of course \framed adds a frame, but the text isn’t within). \starttext \dorecurse{2}{\input knuth} \startplacefloat[ title=none, % doesn’t work numbering=no, % wrong location=left, width=.33\textwidth, % doesn’t work style=\tt, % doesn’t work background=color,backgroundcolor=cyan, % doesn’t work ]% %\framed[ % width=.33\textwidth, % style=\tt, % background=color,backgroundcolor=yellow, %]{\vbox{% \startlines lichtung manche meinen lechts und rinks kann man nicht velwechsern. werch ein illtum! \wordright{ernst jandl} \stoplines %}} \stopplacefloat \dorecurse{2}{\input knuth} \stoptext Greetlings, Hraban --- https://www.fiee.net http://wiki.contextgarden.net https://www.dreiviertelhaus.de GPG Key ID 1C9B22FD