On Sun, Jun 14, 2009 at 19:26, luigi scarso wrote:
The problem is that current pstopdf doesn't work reliably for me (no way to do EPSCrop, sometimes wrong paper orientation, the graphic missing completely ...),
hmm strange -- do you have an example ?
For wrong paper orientation you can try (in gnuplot): set term post set output "x.ps" plot sin(x) and then convert the resulting file. For missing graphic I remember exporting a file in OpenOffice Draw or something similar. (I can try to find it.)
By defautl gs choose rotation studying dominant text orientation on current page; cfr Setting page orientation in Ps2pdf.htm There is an option in pstopdf -dAutoRotatePages=/None .
Exactly that's the problem. Removing this particular option from the default options that are applied to GS run solves the problem.
so I usually stick to ps2pdf (perl or shell, I think)
A wrapper shell around gs There is also pstill http://www.wizards.de/~frank/pstill.html
I'll try it out just for fun :) Mojca