Dear Mojca and All,
sorry for a stupid question, the unicode math that is about to come means formula input using Unicode Math instead of tex commands as suggested in "Unicode Nearly Plain-Text Encoding of Mathematics"
The answer to your question might as well be a tiny bit of yes because I'm not sure what exactly you are asking. The side effect of this transition is also that you should be able to use "mathematical greek italic alpha" instead of \alpha or α, or mathematical italic letter a instead of just plain $a$, but I doubt that any sane user would want to do that by typing those characters directly with a keyboard.
I have an impression that the document (even thoug the page is not accessible) is about the way to input math in Word. Is there any feature in TeX (input) that you are missing?
Alternative URL is http://www.activemath.org/workshops/MathUI/07/proceedings/Sargent-TwoSyntaxe... And the system described is that "tiny bit of yes" on steroids - not only variables, but also operators, like using the unicode N-ARY SUMMATION instead of \sum As to the user sanity - inconvenient input may be balanced by easy reading - if formulae get very long math symbols come convenient. And no need to give up typing in favour of mousing things out of glyph tables - replace on input or search-and-replace on command are in almost any editor nowdays, to say nothing of sed.
BTW, what are the options for getting a unicode math font? Taking one from MS Office 2007? Waiting for Stix fonts
Stix is not (and probably will not be) supported
Are there any information about their plans to release anything? They promised to make fonts proper after beta release, but later turned silent.
You can already use Cambria Math or Asana Math in mkiv with the non-released LuaTeX with ConTeXt beta from Pragma. How? What are the typescripts?
Sincerely, Michail