Am 14.11.2011 um 09:07 schrieb Hans Hagen:
On 14-11-2011 08:57, Steffen Wolfrum wrote:
Am 13.11.2011 um 22:33 schrieb Andreas Schneider:
On 13.11.2011 11:55, Steffen Wolfrum wrote:
I am looking for the same functionality as the traditional TeX comment (starting with %), but used in-line not only after a paragraph.
That sounds a bit strange, because a paragraph doesn't end with a line break. That's how I usually do my comments too; just add a comment and continue after the line break with the content/sentence/paragraph:
-----8<---------------- This is %some comment an example. ----->8----------------
... will end up as: "This is an example."
maybe "paragraph" was the wrong word (even though in your example between "comment" and "an" there is a pilcrow too, which is commonly used to denote individual paragraphs).
that's what I meant: a true in-line comment ... without a line-break, parapgraph-break, pilcrow for ending the comment:
This is ¿some comment¡ an example.
and next one would want:
This is ¿some comment¡ an example.
\startchapter[title={This is ¿some comment¡ an example.}]
of course! how did you know that :o)
and ... so it's asking for a mess.
Just use a command as Wolfgang mentioned.
yes, that what I thought right away too. for the sake of completeness, I just wanted to answer Idris question and wait what he thinks. Thanks to all, Steffen