Dear list, my publisher forces me to set different things as titles, in headers and table of contents. In some cases \nolist and \nomarking aren't enough. here are my actual definitions: ---- \def\Untertitel#1{\blank[3pt]{\ss\bf #1}\blank} % ok \def\Titel#1#2{{\nohyphens\chapter{#1}\Untertitel{#2}}} % ok \def\KomplexTitel#1#2#3{{\writetolist[chapter]{#3}\nohyphens\title{#1}\U ntertitel{#2}}} ---- with ---- \start \setupheadertexts[][manual entry][part][] % normally defined as [][chapter][part][] \KomplexTitel{Main chapter title}{chapter subtitle}{toc entry} Much text \stop % of other headertext ---- Real life example: \start \setupheadertexts [][Vorwort][][] \KomplexTitel{Die neutrale Schweiz und das globale Dorf}% {Vorwort von Prof.|~|Dr.|~|Heinrich Ott}% {Vorwort Prof.|~|Dr.|~|Heinrich Ott:\\Die neutrale Schweiz und das globale Dorf} ... Now there stay two issues: 1. I'd like to get a four-parameter command that can set the header text also. 2. I must get a line feed into the toc, but neither \\ nor \crlf works. Please help! Thanks. Grüßlis vom Hraban! -- www.fiee.net/texnique/ www.ramm.ch/context/