On Fri, 23 May 2008 01:41:47 +0200
Joachim Kreimer-de Fries
22.05.2008 at 18:39 Wolfgang Schuster - thankworthily answering my help questions - asked :
What is the result from "ctxtools --contextversion"
joachim$ ctxtools --contextversion CtxTools | context version: 2007.01.12 15:56 (/usr/local/texlive/2007/ texmf-dist/tex/context/base/context.tex) CtxTools | context version: 2007.01.12 15:56 (/usr/local/texlive/2007/ texmf-dist/tex/context/base/cont-new.tex)
Is that the actual version?
No, the current version is from 21. May 2008 but you could update your installation with "ctxtools --updatecontext".
2. How to switch to the German commands in ConTeXt? Don't do this, the german interface is not complete, new commands have english names and a few entries need better names and it would be hard for us to help you.
Does this means, that the German interface _is_ complete together with the new commands that have English names? Then only the last argument ("it would be hard for us to help you") prevents me from switching to the German interface. (And ... not knowing how to do that...)
The german interface is not complete, Tobias Burnus translated a lot of the command names years ago but most of the new commands and keys in the last few years got no german names. I doubt you will be happy with the german interface because you're forced to look the names all by yourself, the manuals use only english commands and finding the german alternative takes time.
3. How to setup page/layout dimensions? \setuplayout [backspace=2cm, width=10cm, rightmargin=8cm, ...]
This worked immediatly. Thank you very much, Wolfgang, for your swift help!
THis was only meant as a simple example who the to setu a new layout, many more commands are avaiable and once you understood the system it is easy to set you own ones.
4. How to set up => numbered margin notes and, thereover, => prevent, that they are printed one over the other, when there is not enough space between the referenced words/phrases in the text body?
Try the following code from Hans: [...]
That code sets the notes into the _left margin_, not into the right. I could not reverse that. Or because I didn't find out the right commands/option or because it is not possible.
It is possible to change the location for the notes.
I even tried then to set reverse the width of the margins, e. g. the broader one left and small one at the right, so that the notes produced with the code of Hans in the left margin of the text body should find place. Without success. But I'd like to know if this is possible and how.
You should take a closer look at \setuplayout to change the layout.
The code of Hans is doubtlessly a very useful code for certain purposes but perhaps less for the purpose I asked for. It sets the (then indeed numbered, "glossary"-) notes pagewise from the top down one after another, so again (as with footnotes) far away from theyr reference text (word, phrase) in the body text. I wanted the effect that I experimented before with the package "footmisc" in LaTeX (footnotes as margin notes), but avoiding having printed two notes on the same place (one over the other, not readable) but in _those_ cases the second note below the first.
Perhaps this is not possible in TeX and therefore in ConTeXt neither?
More a questions Hans could answer.
Best wishes, joachim
Greetings Wolfgang