Dear Luigi, On Fri, 5 Jun 2009, luigi scarso wrote:
Asymptote may be a better choice since it supports newer PRC 3D format
Ouch, another new 3D format! This will never end. I bet no valuable Open Source modeler (i.e. blender) support this one. The fact that asy supports PRC is good but I have no illusion about the conclusion of the 3d formats' war (just an endless pain for developpers)...
Asymptote has a prc dir asymptote-1.75/prc maybe can be a lib too..
To say the truth Adobe Acrobat SDK has PRC API in it, but it is Windows-only, goes for big-$$$ and for that is "Not licensed to run in a batch or server mode". As to the role of Adobe in 3D formats war - it reminds me of a quote attributed to a North Vietnamese general: "You Americans have fast choppers and jeeps, so you can rapidly move troops to the point of engagemment. But we are _already_ there!". The installed base of Adobe Readers may be a new factor in that endless Tweedle D.* free-for-all ;) Sincerely, Michail