Tobias Burnus wrote:
Taco Hoekwater wrote:
Does this fix I wrote (back in September) actually work?
% start fix \unprotect \def\dousepublications#1% {\doonlyonce {#1.\f!bibextension} {\readfile{#1.\f!bibextension} {\catcode`\%=12 \showmessage\m!bib{4}{#1.\f!bibextension}} {\showmessage\m!bib{2}{#1.\f!bibextension}}}} \protect % end fix It does not seem to work here :-(
It redefines the bbl loader, so inlined \startpublication blocks will not work. It should work if your publications are in the bbl file. I can add a similar instruction to \startpublication, but I want to be sure it works, first.
The attached test case uses \% but replacing it by \% causes TeX errors. (publication block as found in the bbl file.)
Using \% is wrong in any case, you should be able to write the url with just percent signs, that is what we are aiming for.
Not too hard, if you don't mind editting the bib / bbl a bit; making it truly automatic and still configurable would be hard. Example attached. It does not seem to work here.
I am an idiot. Please add the \doglobal in this line: {\doglobal\addtocommalist{cite-\jobname-\recurselevel}\pagerefs} Best wishes, Taco