Hi, Is it possible to center horizontally and vertically the table with the graphics ? Best regards, Fabrice \defineparagraphs[TwoColumns][n=2] \setupparagraphs[TwoColumns][1][width=0.45\textwidth] \startsetups[table:initialize] \setupTABLE[start][align={middle,lohi},width=1.5cm,offset=0.5ex,style=small] \setupTABLE[row][first][background=color,backgroundcolor=lightgray] \stopsetups \usemodule[graph] \definecolor[mycolor][c=.4,m=0,y=0,k=0] \starttext \startTwoColumns \start \switchtobodyfont[small] \startMPpage[instance=graph] drawoptions(withpen pencircle scaled 1pt); w := 10cm; h := 8cm; ahlength := .25cm; draw begingraph (w,h) numeric xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax; xmin := 0; xmax :=100; ymax :=8000 ;ymin:=0; setrange((xmin,ymin),(xmax,ymax)); for x=xmin step 10 until xmax: grid.bot(format("@g",x),x) withcolor \MPcolor{mycolor} withpen pencircle scaled .3pt; endfor for y=ymin step 1000 until ymax: grid.lft(format("@g",y),y) withcolor \MPcolor{mycolor} withpen pencircle scaled .3pt; endfor glabel.bot(textext("Nombre de chaises"),OUT); glabel.lft(textext("Euros") rotated 90,OUT); glabel.bot("${\cal C}$",(5,3000)); glabel.top("${\cal R}$",(15,500)); save a; numeric a[]; a0 := 2000 ; a1 := 50 ; a2 := -0.2 ; gdraw makefunctionpath(xmin,90,1000,polynomial_function(a,2,x)); b0 := 0 ; b1 := 80 ; gdraw makefunctionpath(xmin,90,1000,polynomial_function(b,1,x)); endgraph ; \stopMPpage \stop \TwoColumns \framed[frame=off,width=local,align={lohi,middle},location=middle]{% \bTABLE[setups=table:initialize] \bTR \bTD Jours \eTD \bTD Entrées \eTD \eTR \bTR \bTD 1 \eTD \bTD \unknown \eTD \eTR \bTR \bTD 2 \eTD \bTD \unknown \eTD \eTR \bTR \bTD 3 \eTD \bTD \unknown \eTD \eTR \bTR \bTD 4 \eTD \bTD \unknown \eTD \eTR \bTR \bTD 5 \eTD \bTD 870 \eTD \eTR \bTR \bTD 6 \eTD \bTD 910 \eTD \eTR \bTR \bTD 7 \eTD \bTD 1\,000 \eTD \eTR \eTABLE } \stopTwoColumns \stoptext