At 10:21 PM -0700 7/14/06, Aditya Mahajan wrote:
On Fri, 14 Jul 2006, David Arnold wrote:
On another matter, I'm having some alignment issues. Consider the following code:
\startformula \startalign[n=4,{left, middle, middle, middle}] aaa&b&cccc&d\\ a&bbb&c&ddd \stopalign \stopformula
Compile this and you will notice that the alignment parameters {left, middle, middle, middle} are ignored. And you can change these to anything else (left, middle, right), with absolutely no change. Any idea what is going on here?
Wrong syntax. It should be
I would strongly suggest to use
\NC aaaa \NC bb \NC d \NR
instead of "raw" & and \\.
The "align=" seems to make no difference. In fact, I had tried including it before. Also, I'm finding that the {left,middle, middle, middle} parameters are still ignored when using the Context syntax \NC \NR, as in: \startformula \startalign[n=4,align={left, middle, middle, middle}] \NC aaa\NC b\NC cccc\NC d\NR \NC a\NC bbb\NC c\NC ddd\NR \stopalign \stopformula Interestingly enough, the alignment is slightly different than I get when using the LaTeX syntax, but I still can't get alignment to work correctly. Incidentally, the reason I am using the LaTeX syntax is that we are translating LaTeX code into Context automatically using a perl script, and it's therefore much easier to stick to whatever LaTeX code works. Basically, I just want something comparable to the array environment in LaTeX, which works very nicely. Thanks, Bruce -- __________________________________________________________________________ Bruce H. Wagner e-mail: bruce-wagner@redwoods.edu Department of Mathematics phone: 707-476-4207 College of the Redwoods fax: 707-476-4424 7351 Tompkins Hill Road WWW: http://online.redwoods.edu/instruct/bwagner Eureka, CA 95501