On 12/12/07, Peter Münster wrote:
In general, I vote against keeping such features just for some old documents, because:
Also, if one decides to use LuaTeX/XeTeX instead of pdfTeX (s)he must have some reason and might be willing to do some minor changes to the document if needed. (Disabling regimes would be an interesting experiment too :-) :-) :-) Not that I was the one who has forced their support :-)
- it's easy to burn a CD-ROM with an old distribution to recompile old documents
Not necessary, since you might also need older binaries and fonts.
- it's easy to keep the pdf somewhere (that's what I do)
[not to be taken too seriously:] The bad news is that PDFs are usually kept exactly at the place where a new version of the document (even if it cannot be compiled at all) overwrites the old one (that's what I usually do/what TeX does for me :). And once ConTeXt starts complaining, it's already too late (the file has gone). :) :) :) But yes - before recompiling an old document, a backup is not a bad idea at all. Mojca