Hraban and any emacs users: On Sun, Apr 14, 2024 at 11:56 (+0200), Henning Hraban Ramm wrote:
Am 13.04.24 um 22:28 schrieb Mikael Sundqvist:
What will work will depend on the viewers. We noticed a few weeks ago that synctex (pdf -> editor) was not working in a few viewers (okular) while it was working in others.
Could you please tell us which combinations of viewers and editors you checked and how to configure them to make it work?
The --synctex=repeat option outputs a synctex file that works with auctex' epdfinfo program, so (at least when using PDFview) forward and backward search now work with emacs+auctex, at least when you (a) put (setq ConTeXt-texexec-option-nonstop "") in your ConTeXt mode hook (or some other sensible place), and (b) edit the ConTeXt-expand-options defun in auctex' context.el (or redefine the function in some hook) to replace --synctex=1 with --synctex=repeat I have submitted a bug report to auctex about (b) and another item, but I have no idea if/when the fixes will make it into a new release of auctex. Jim