Am 22.02.24 um 18:35 schrieb Hans Hagen via ntg-context:
On 2/21/2024 7:47 PM, Henning Hraban Ramm wrote:
(I’m sure I already used that somewhere… Must document…) ok, new feature dedicated to Hraban ... who then of course has to document it.
This is nice. Thank you, will do. (Actually I’m not much interested in dashed borders but to have lines affected by my sketchy style - courtesy of Aditya et al., see below) Taco, will the syntax pages in the wiki update automatically to a newer version? """ \startuseMPgraphic{mp:sketchy} input; sketchypaths; sketch_amount := 1 + (uniformdeviate 2); sketch_passes := 3; sketch_segments := 2 + (uniformdeviate 3); sketch_length := OverlayWidth / 3; draw topboundary withpen pensquare withcolor lightgray; naturalizepaths; \stopuseMPgraphic \defineoverlay[sketchylines][\useMPgraphic{mp:sketchy}] \setupTABLE[r][first][style=bold] \setupTABLE[r][each][ topoffset=1em,bottomoffset=0.5em, background=sketchylines, % would be nice if the background wouldn’t start at each column ] \setupTABLE[c][each][frame=off] \bTABLE[] \bTR \bTD{Stadt}\eTD \bTD{Land}\eTD \bTD{Fluss}\eTD \eTR \dorecurse{10}{ \bTR \bTD\strut \eTD\bTD \eTD\bTD \eTD \eTR } \eTABLE """ Hraban