Hi, While downloading urls, context santizes the filename but does not check the length of the url. So, one can end up with a situation where the filename is too long for the operating system to handle. For example, the following fails on 32bit linux. \enabletrackers[resolvers.schemes] \startluacode local report_webfilter = logs.new("thirddata.webfilter") local url = "http://www.bing.com/search?q=Areallyreallylongstringjusttoseehowthingsworkor..." local specification = resolvers.splitmethod(url) local file = resolvers.finders['http'](specification) or "" if file and file ~= "" then report_webfilter("saving file %s", file) else report_webfilter("download failed") end \stopluacode \normalend Is there a robust way to avoid this problem? One possibility is that in data-sch.lua instead of local cleanname = gsub(original,"[^%a%d%.]+","-") use local cleanname = md5sum(original) What do you think? Aditya