Renaud AUBIN a écrit :
I would try to design a
figure like
FLOWcharts seems to be a good tool to do that, but I have some troubles
to get "Simulation" and "Colision Detection" frames...
I have done a first sample:
As you can see, "Simulation" and "Collision Detection" frames are
missing since I don't know how to draw them.
- \connection[b-l]{sim_constraint} in cd_stc returns a strange result,
- Hans, any comments about "Crossing lines, which are often forbidden
in charts, can be made less confusing by adding a gap in the lines to
be crossed. This is one of the features that are already implemented
but not yet accessible by the ConTEXt user interface." in mcharts.pdf
since I have a problem with crossing lines ;)
- Is there a way to add horizontal distance between vertical parts of
\connection[b-l]{sim_time} in cd_stc and \connection[+lt]{cd_broad} in
sim_constraint ?