Hello ConTeXist and Lua experts. In a my Lua project I need to determine the changing dimensions of the TeX \vbox through Lua. In ConTeXt cycle, it works fine, but in the Lua cycle does not change the dimensions of the box. What am I doing wrong? Thank you. Jaroslav Hajtmar Here is my minimal example: -------------------------------------------------------------------- \newdimen\lsize \def\contentofvbox{\input ward } \def\setmybox{\setbox0=\vbox{\hsize=\lsize \contentofvbox}} \starttext Height of box via ConTeXt (works fine): \setmybox \lsize=5cm \dorecurse{3}{% \lsize=\dimexpr(\lsize+7mm) \setmybox height of box: \the\ht0\par width of box: \the\wd0\par \box0\par } \page ... and Height of box via Lua (do not working): \setmybox \ctxlua{ tex.dimen.lsize=5*72.27*65536/25.4 for i=1, 3 do tex.dimen.lsize=tex.dimen.lsize+7*72.27*65536/25.4 context([[\setmybox]]) local heightbox=tex.box[0].height local widthbox=tex.box[0].width heightbox=(heightbox*2.84527559067*25.4)/(72.27*65536) widthbox=(widthbox*2.84527559067*25.4)/(72.27*65536) context([[height of box:]]..heightbox.."pt\\par") context([[width of box:]]..widthbox.."pt\\par") context([[\box0\par]]) end } \stoptext