Am 18.08.2009 um 22:09 schrieb John Culleton:
Also I find font handling easier in pdftex. Just a single statement is needed.
Can you a bit more specific what do you mean with this sentence.
Well if I want bitstream charter roman at 11.2pts I can say \font\rm bchr8r at 11.2pt and I am done.
Or I can define something called \fontsize and make it the referent for all my font statements: \newdimen\fontsize \fontsize=11.2pt \baselineskip= 1.1\fontsize \font\rm bchr8r at \fontsize \font\bo bchbo8t at 1.1\fontsize ...and so on. If I need the book a little longer I just change \fontsize. I have even done tricks like this: \fontfam=bch \font\rm \fontfam r8r at \fontsize
Introducing a new font into TeX is never simple but I find it easier if I don't have to construct (and debug) an elaborate chain of font synonyms.
Use XeTeX or LuaTeX and you have no problem to use the font you like.
It may be the luatex has made life simpler (or at least more exciting!) I will examine that prospect next. But right now I am typesetting novels, memoirs and the like. The fewer variables I have to contend with the better.
In MkIV you can write the above as: \usemodule[simplefonts][size=11.2pt] \setmainfont[CharterBT] and when you want to make a global change of the font size you can do this with \setupsimplefonts[size=xxpt] Wolfgang