Kumar Appaiah wrote:
Finally, hoping that I'm being smart, I have bzip2ed the output of dvips -d 127 -Ppdf test.dvi. Please check the directories searched for the map file; the directory in which original-public-lm resides is /usr/share/texmf/fonts/map/pdftex/context and it doesn't appear on that list, but I'd like you to confirm.
Get it at http://www.ee.iitm.ac.in/~ee03b091/dvips_output.bz2
Good thinking! But unfortunately, this won't work if you do it like this. You have to give the same commandline as context's texexec does. Dvips does not support mapfile \specials, so unless you feed it the needed files on the commandline, it will read the wrong map file. The used commandline is included as a comment at the top of the generated postscript file, so the best approach is to do a run of texexec --dvi and then extract the commandline from the output (and insert the -d 127 , of course) Good luck, Taco