On Sat, 23 Jan 2010, Gour wrote:
On Fri, 22 Jan 2010 14:40:16 -0500 (EST)
> "Aditya" == Aditya Mahajan
wrote: Aditya> It is possible that the earlier build sometimes ended up Aditya> creating a $HOME/texmf-cache directory as root. If that Aditya> happened, you will need to forcably remove $HOME/texmf-cache Aditya> before reinstalling the package.
I've removed $HOME/texmf-cache and tried again (with bauerbill, yaourt is becoming too buggy):
I have been testing with yaourt. I will check bauerbill to see if it is doing something different (it should not)
[root@gaura-nitai gour] bb -Sy
Ah. I usually run with sudo which does not change $HOME.
context-minimals-git warning: context-minimals-git does not match any package or group in sync db --> Searching for packages in AUR... --> Loading AUR taurball data... warning: about to source /tmp/bauerbill/build/AUR/context-minimals-git/PKGBUILD view [v] backup [b] edit [e] continue [ok] abort [x] ok --> an associated install file was found for context-minimals-git: /tmp/bauerbill/build/AUR/context-minimals-git/context-minimals-git.install view [v] backup [b] edit [e] continue [ok] abort [x] ok --> Loading ABS taurball data... --> detected PKGDEST in /etc/makepkg.conf --> Determining sizes of source files... --> Building context-minimals-git... --> Installing /var/abs/local/gaur/context-minimals-git-20100122-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.gz... --> Running pacman: /usr/bin/sudo /usr/bin/pacman --cachedir "/var/cache/pacman/pkg" -U /var/abs/local/gaur/context-minimals-git-20100122-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.gz loading package data... checking dependencies... (1/1) checking for file conflicts [####################################################################################] 100% (1/1) upgrading context-minimals-git [####################################################################################] 100% mktexlsr: Updating /opt/context-minimals/texmf/ls-R... mktexlsr: Updating /opt/context-minimals/texmf-context/ls-R... mktexlsr: Updating /opt/context-minimals/texmf-fonts/ls-R... mktexlsr: Updating /opt/context-minimals/texmf-linux-64/ls-R... mktexlsr: Updating /opt/context-minimals/texmf-local/ls-R... mktexlsr: Done.
^^^^ Here I had to presee Enter twice in order to continue!!!!
Strange. On my machine I do not need to do this.
generating tex format cont-en This is pdfTeX, Version 3.1415926-1.40.10 [...] /opt/context-minimals/texmf-linux-64/web2c/pdftex/cont-en.fmt [...] /opt/context-minimals/texmf-linux-64/web2c/metafun.mem (486776)
This means that the formats are created correctly.
After that I run: luatools --generated
Is that a typo (--generate), or did your really type --generated? Did you run source /opt/context-minimals/setuptex before that.
and attempt to typeset 'hello world example
\starttext Hello World šŠ đĐ čČ ćĆ žŽ \stoptext
[gour@gaura-nitai tmp] context lt.tex MTXrun | warning: no format found, forcing remake (commandline driven) MTXrun | running command: luatools --generate LuaTools | fileio: variable SELFAUTOLOC set to /usr/bin
This is the wrong luatools!!! My guess is that you are not running source /opt/context-minimals/setuptex so the path is not reset and you are using luatools from texlive.
LuaTools | fileio: variable SELFAUTODIR set to /usr LuaTools | fileio: variable SELFAUTOPARENT set to / LuaTools | fileio: variable TEXMFCNF set to {$SELFAUTODIR,$SELFAUTOPARENT}{,{/share,}/texmf{-local,.local,}/web2c} LuaTools | fileio: loading /usr/share/texmf/web2c/texmf.cnf LuaTools | fileio: preparing configuration for /usr/share/texmf/web2c
These are texlive paths. What does "which luatools" give? You should get /opt/context-minimals/texmf-linux-64/bin/luatools or /opt/context-minimals/texmf-linux/bin/luatools depending on whether you are running 64bit or 32bit architecture.
MTXrun | fatal error, return code: 1
So, something is still broken, either with the pkgbuild or with the luatex itself?
There is something wrong with PKGBUILD because you still need to press enters during the installation. But once you do that, the installation should go on correctly. However, you are not running the minimals correctly. Context-minimals is installed in parallel to texlive and as such does not add its binaries to the $PATH. This way, you can always run texlive. When you need to run the minimals, you need to execute source /opt/context-minimals/setuptex which sets some environment variables so that the minimal binaries are in $PATH. You always need to source setuptex before you use minimals. If you do not use texlive ever, you can add source /opt/context-minimals/setuptex to your .bashrc (or the rc file for whatever shell you use). If you invoke context from an editor, you can change the editor's startup scripts so that setuptex is sourced before the editor is started. Aditya