Hi everybody, Is there any simple macro / flag available that would result in the page numbers for the "place of citation" for individual bibliography entries to show up in the bibliography, i.e. is there some functionality similar to "backref" (http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/hyperref/) available in ConTeXt? I got pretty excited when I saw the option \setuppublicationlist[% pagenumber=yes,% ] in the manual since I expected it would do the job. I however cannot see any changes when setting this to "yes" in my document. As far as I can see there is also no explanation in the bib manual by Taco Hoekwater, right?! I would very much appreciate if one of you guys could point me to the right direction or even better provide me with some code snippets / a solution? Thanks in advance, Andreas