On Jul 26, 2008, at 1:31 AM, Aditya Mahajan wrote:
The sources are very well documented in the most part. But then, that is not user interface documentation, it is code documentation
Exactly. Let's give a simple example. My project needs both footnotes and endnotes. For footnotes I have \setupfootnotes[conversion=set 2,way=bypage] in my environment file. For endnotes, I use \endnote and \placenotes[endnote] in a separate chapter in \backmatter. When I asked Hans in 2005 if footnotes and endnotes together were possible he finished a part of ConTeXt that was not quite done and after some testing it ended up in ConTeXt. This is how it works. What I would like now is to get my end notes per chapter at the end of the chapter (because I want to work on my project per chapter and make per-chapter pdf-files I can send to people). I have been looking for documentation on endnotes. The term still does not appear in any official ConTeXt manual, not on the ConTeXt wiki. So, \endnote and \placenotes[endnote] have been there for *years*. But there is *no* mention of it anywhere. For fun: try googling for "endnote placenote". So, let's look at the well documented code then \def\dodoflushnotes % per class, todo: handle endnotes here {\ifdim\ht\localpostponednotes>\zeropoint \bgroup \dochecknote \ifendnotes \else ;-) Seriously, do you really expect ordinary users to look at the code of ConTeXt to find out how things can be done? I think nobody thinks that. Also funny: Look at what the wiki tells me about \setupfootnotes: http://texshow.contextgarden.net/cmd/setupfootnotes . How should a simple user like myself ever find out that the above is possible reading the table in the wiki? And who else than ConTeXt developers can write this? Or is it the idea that many people reverse engineer what ConTeXt does and fill a Wiki that way? So, what we have is Hans' and Taco's (and maybe some others) swiss army knife under development. WIth LuaTeX and MKIV all efforts go into the development of the entirely new engine and all the technical know how on the inside. My expectation is that the situation with respect to user documentation is not going to improve soon. G