Florent Michel schrieb am 15.09.2024 um 17:44:
It's probably not the best solution, but it seems to work on my side if I replace `big` by `2em`; see code below.
When the whole document needs a larger interlinespace \setupinterlinespace[big] is the wrong method and \setupinterlinespace[line=4x] or (which is an alternative form for the one above) \setupinterlinespace[4ex] are the recommended solutions. The reason why Kirill had the problem with is that tabulate resets the interlinespace value to the global settings while "big" is just a relative value which depends on the global value. This reset is necessary because tabulate uses the global interlinespace value to split the table into slices which allows it to break cells across pages. When you need a different interlinespace for a part of the document you should use \start \setupinterlinespace[line=4ex] content which a different interlinespace setting \stop which does also work for tabulate. Wolfgang