Hi, I'd like to put a few things, placed absolutely on the page. I thought that layers are a good tool, but I can't make them do what I want. Assume that I want to have "Some text" near the top of the page and a huge "X" centered. I did this: \setuppagenumbering[state=stop] \setupbackgrounds[page][background=bkg] \definelayer[bkg][x=0mm,y=0mm,width=\paperwidth,height=\paperheight] \setlayer[bkg] {\framed[frame=off,width=\paperwidth,height=50mm] {\switchtobodyfont[10mm]\tt Some text}} \setlayer[bkg] {\framed[frame=off,width=\paperwidth,height=\paperheight] {\switchtobodyfont[240mm]\tt X}} \starttext \null \stoptext but only one layer appears (the "Some text" one). What am I doing wrong? Is there a better way to do it? TIA -- Marcin Borkowski http://mbork.pl