Hi, On Aug 7, 2012, at 10:12 AM, Hans Hagen wrote:
On 7-8-2012 09:29, Keith J. Schultz wrote:
Hi Manuel, Everybody,
I am just getting into LuaLaTeX.
I needed to do some work with MetaPost.
While working I came across a kudo. That is once inside the mblibcode environment one can not call Lua. THIS I consider a missing feature and a VERY important one.
Some (simple) support for lua calls is on the (long term) agenda but not before the current mplib extensions project is done (i.e. the decimal calculation plugins).
Calling lua in itself is not so much an issue; after all one can just do a \directlua inside a blob of mp passed to mplib (I do that all the time).
I was under the impression that this was all that the proposed patch does. Luamplib did not allow any (tex nor lua) escapes within the block, if I understand correctly. Best wishes, Taco