Am 20.03.2013 um 14:52 schrieb Meer H. van der
One step further, thanks. But why does \edef\thedate{\rawdate[]}\writestatus{***}{\meaning\thedate} result in ** > macro:->unknown march 2013 instead of 20 march 2013?
Provide a *working* minimal example because when I run this example \starttext \rawdate[] \stoptext I get “march unknown, 2013” as output. When I use now (instead of \currentlanguage you can also use a language tag, e.g. "nl") \starttext \ctxcommand{currentdate("month, ,day, , year","\currentlanguage")} \stoptext I get as output “March 20 2013”. The problem with \rawdate is that no language is passed and context doesn’t convert the labels for the month/years and also the day results in a default string, i.e. it produces the “unknown” string. Wolfgang