On Thu, 21 Dec 2017 21:16:45 +0100, Pablo Rodriguez
On 12/21/2017 05:04 PM, Christoph Reller wrote:
Dear Pablo,
At least for XML you could use my module highlight-xml:
\usemodule[highlight-xml] \definetype[xml][option=xml] [...] Note that even partial XML is highlighted correctly.
It is really a pity that it lacks TeX, since I’m focused on ConTeXt yet (after all, it would be a Spanish introduction to ConTeXt ;-)). XML will come later.
Maybe, if I find the time, I will add TeX and Lua to my module some time.
I’m afraid that XML comments are colored the same way with your module and with standard ConTeXt.
That should not be the case. Could it be, that the highlight-xml module fails to load? Please check your log file for a "module not found" entry. I have attached the result of my earlier sample. My module does not come in standard context. You have to download it from https://bitbucket.org/philexander/context-highlight. If general interest is high enough I can ask <whoever is responsible for this> to add it. Kind regards, Christoph