Am 07.09.2010 um 14:26 schrieb Cecil Westerhof:
I am still trying to make a useful environment for paper feedback forms. One thing I am trying to do now, is to but lines on the back for when someone needs more space to give the feedback. For this I made the following macro: \def\PageWithComment[#1]{ \page #1 \crlf\crlf \thinrules[n=35,inbetween=\vskip1.5ex] \page }
There are several needed optimisations. For starters the number of lines is hard coded. Is there a way to calculate them?
\def\PageWithComment[#1]% {\page #1 \blank[2*line] \getnoflines{\dimexpr\pagegoal-\pagetotal-3\lineheight\relax} \thinrules[n=\noflines] \page} %\showframe \starttext \PageWithComment[Room for extra comments] \PageWithComment[\input knuth ] \stoptext Wolfgang