On Sat, 31 Aug 2013 23:44:30 +0200
Hans Hagen
On 8/31/2013 5:40 PM, john Culleton wrote:
If there were a way to download minimals or the full context suite for windows as an iso image I would be home free. But fate is not so kind to me.
installing the garden via rsync (one can even be more monimal with an initial --engine=luatex install as then successive runs will also only download luatex only) is way more efficient than an (uncompressed and carrying all engines) iso image each update
In the general case, affecting 99.9% of Context users that is the best strategy. I am however caught in an unusual situation. I have two computers at my work station, both Syx (Systemax) computers and both delivered without any OS. I installed Linux on both and they work just fine. When I install Windows XP or Windows 7 on either machine there is a problem with the ethernet connection. But my projected customer base is likely of the Windows persuasion. Turning now to my template design, it is easiest for me if I use plain instead of either Context or Latex formats. Luatex would be an ideal candidate but for one thing. In pdftex and Context one can set protrusion at a large or a smaller amount. The large version is too large for a novel. However luatex hasn't advanced that far. I assume that it will one day and that an updated version of luatex will show up in your distros long before texlive is updated. In the meantime I am beating at the virtual doors of the support people for Systemax looking for the correct Windows driver for ethernet. Perhaps the protrusion problem has already been solved in your latest luatex. I will check it out on my (linux) version of Context standard. If not I will retreat to pdftex (gasp) for my template. Protrusion and microtypography are two advantages of TeX and InDesign for the novel writer. I need to be able to demonstrate those advantages when offering my template. As a reminder: I don't have a problem with documents I create here. I am a bit fiddler from way back. It is the potential users of my templating system that I am concerned about. Telling them that they must modify a file buried in the innards of TeX is a bridge too far. -- John Culleton Wexford Press Free list of books for self-publishers: http://wexfordpress.net/shortlist.html PDF e-book: "Create Book Covers with Scribus" available at http://www.booklocker.com/books/4055.html