I'm trying to use smallcaps with a font called SquarishSansCT. According to mtxrun it has smcp as a feature... $ mtxrun --script font --list --info --pattern=squar [...] mtx-fonts | gsub features: mtx-fonts | mtx-fonts | feature script languages mtx-fonts | mtx-fonts | c2sc grek dflt mtx-fonts | latn dflt mtx-fonts | smcp grek dflt mtx-fonts | latn dflt mtx-fonts | ...but I can't seem to get that feature to work in this MWE which works for TexGyreSchola. \definefontfeature [smallcaps] [always] [smcp=yes] \definefontsynonym [Squar] [name:SquarishSansCT-Regular] [features=smallcaps] \definefontsynonym [Schola] [name:texgyreschola-regular] [features=smallcaps] \definefont [chapterTitle] [Squar at 18pt] \definefont [anotherTitle] [Schola at 18pt] \starttext {\chapterTitle A Chapter Title} \par {\anotherTitle A Chapter Title} \stoptext Have I missed something or is it the font? — Bruce Horrocks Hampshire, UK