Hello, Please, help me with the following. The \vbox and \bgroup\egroup tags are intend to keep a verse on a page, but they also add extra spacing (an extra line?) between the verse and chorus. How to get rid of it? \definestartstop [verse] [before=\vbox\bgroup\startlines, after=\stoplines\egroup] \definestartstop [chorus] [before=\startnarrower\startlines, after=\stoplines\stopnarrower] \starttext \startverse We all came out to Montreux, On the Lake Geneva shoreline. To make records with a mobile, We didn't have much time. But Frank Zappa and the Mothers, Were at the best place around, But some stupid with a flare gun, Burned the place to the ground. \stopverse \startchorus Smoke on the water, a fire in the sky. Smoke on the water... \stopchorus \stoptext -- Best, Vyatcheslav