On 18 Sep 2020, at 11:43, Thomas A. Schmitz wrote:
Then tell us a bit more about your system. What is the output of
which -a context
/Library/TeX/texbin/context which is an alias of /Library/TeX/texbin/context@ -> ../../texmf-dist/scripts/context/stubs/unix/context and texbin is /Library/TeX/texbin@ -> Distributions/Programs/texbin /Library/TeX/Distributions/Programs/texbin@ -> ../.DefaultTeX/Contents/Programs/texbin /Library/TeX/Distributions/.DefaultTeX/Contents@ -> ../TeXLive-2020.texdist/Contents
for example? Is
the normal path where mactex would expect a format file? I use a Mac, but I have vanilla texlive installed; I never quite understood where mactex was any better, so I can’t test on my system.
The directory name luatex-cache suggests it's used for caching. I interpret the output like „something happens during the generation of the format file and therefore the file never gets generated“. I don't know much about the internals. I don't really have any reason for using MacTeX over texlive; I was once told that this is the thing I want to use on a Mac when I was a student, and have used it ever since. I could switch over and try texlive if nothing else helps, though I think it would be good to pin down the cause of this error and tell the MacTeX folks about it. Regards, Felix