On 3/15/24 14:06, Ursula Hermann wrote:
Dear List,
Dear Ursula, this might help you (it isn’t perfect, but you just seem to copy and paste fragments from your source files): %\showframe\showstruts \mainlanguage[de-at] \setuppagenumbering[alternative=doublesided] \definemargindata [MyInMargin][ininner] \definemarginframed[MyInMargin] [topframe=on,bottomframe=on,rulethickness=1pt,width=1.90cm] \defineframed[topruletitle] [width=max, frame=off, topframe=on, rulethickness=1pt, align={justify}, extras=\dontleavehmode] \starttext \topruletitle{\MyInMargin {1.1.1}\bf Beispiel 3.2.17. (Vertauschung von All- und Existenzquantor).} \par \input knuth\page \topruletitle{\MyInMargin{3.2.22}{\bf Theorem 3.2.22 (Rechenregeln für Quantoren)}. Seien \m P(\m x)und \input zapf b} \stoptext Sorry for saying that again, but please elaborate both your minimal samples and your descriptions of the issues you are experiencing. Some comments on the code fragments you sent. First of all, please include always code that can be compiled simply after being copied and pasted. This requires \starttext (most of the time) and \stoptext (mandatory to avoid stupid errors).
\definepapersize[MyBook][width=19cm,height=29.7cm] \setuppapersize[MyBook][MyBook] % Prints on paper the size of MyBook %\setuppapersize[MyBook][A4] %Would print MyBook-size pages on A4 paper \setupbodyfont[modern, 12.50pt]
If these lines are irrelevant for the issue you are experiencing, please don’t include them.
\definemargindata [MyInMargin][inleft] \definemarginframed[MyInMargin][topframe=on,bottomframe=on,rulethickness=1pt,width=1.90cm]
You define this margin framed, but your sample makes no use of it. Sorry, but I don’t get it.
\defineenumeration [theorem] [ text=Theorem, title=yes, width=fit, distance=0.2em, alternative=serried, ] \definetextbackground[GrayBackground][ location=paragraph, background=color, backgroundcolor=lightgray, leftoffset=.5\bodyfontsize, rightoffset=.5\bodyfontsize, topoffset=.5\bodyfontsize, bottomoffset=.5\bodyfontsize, frame=off,] \margintext{\blackrule[color=black, height=0.10ex, width=1cm]\\} \blackrule[color=black, height=0.10ex, width=13.50cm]
If your sample includes no theorem or text background, please remove these definitions when sending code. BTW, avoid include text content (such as margin and body rules [but not their definitions]) before \starttext. Also, use \clrf instead of \\ (since the mailing list displays the relevant line as ("\" instead of "\\"):
\margintext{\blackrule[color=black, height=0.10ex, width=1cm]\}
Here starts your text:
\starttext \margintext {1.1.1} {\bf Beispiel 3.2.17. (Vertauschung von All- und Existenzquantor).} \par
Your margin text is undefined. Your code has a defined margin text command, but it isn’t used.
So I have here an example from the second page:
Sorry, but I’m having the impression you are using ConTeXt as a kind of command-based DTP software (which I think it isn’t at all). Or, do you define commands for each page? I think it is better to define a single margin text command and use a doublesided page setup.
\definemargindata[inrightmargin][right][margin=margin,width=.50em\rightmarginwidth,style=,color=] \definemarginframed[MyInMargin][topframe=on,bottomframe=on,rulethickness=1pt, width=.90cm]
Again, margin text commands defined, but never used.
\blackrule[color=black, height=0.10ex, width=13.40cm] {\blackrule[color=black, height=0.10ex, width=1cm, distance=.90cm]\par
Here you open a brace that is not closed at all. At least, consider that this won’t be extremely readable for other people (this is only a sample). It also may be problematic for you, if you leave the source untouched for some weeks.
\defineenumeration [theorem] [ text=Theorem, title=yes, width=fit, distance=0.2em, alternative=serried, ]
At least, it would be better not to include a definition inside content that seems to (or may) be grouped with braces. BTW, it is exactly the same definition as the one included before. It isn’t just to be removed in minimal samples, your final code doesn’t need the duplicated command definition.
\inright{3.2.22} {\bf Theorem 3.2.22 (Rechenregeln für Quantoren)}. Seien \m P(\m x)und
My problem here is that there is not the same distance between the the text and the margintext .
Please, always compile the minimal samples that you send to the list. This is simply to ensure other list subscribers will get the same results as you. After adding a final \stoptext command, I had to run: mtxrun --script check source-sample.tex This allowed me to spot the problem with the unclosed brace (mentioned before).
And now the margintext should be on the right side.
I get the second margin text on the right side (after all, this is what \inright does).
So maybe someone could help me please.
Please, help us to help you. Please, send both more verbose and acurate descriptions and minimal working code samples. I really hope this may help, Pablo