Hi, at least in the current and previous LMTX beta, the paper size gets reduced if I use cropoffset as well as \setupinteractionscreen. (It is known that the PDF box settings only work with the latter.) In the MWE below, paper size gets reduced by cropoffset: \setuppapersize[A4] \setuplayout[ cropoffset=10mm, ] \setupinteractionscreen[ width=max,height=max, ] \starttext \showframe \samplefile{knuth} \stoptext If I set: \setuppapersize[A4][A4,oversized] \setuplayout[ marking=on, location=middle, cropoffset=7.5mm, ] Then the resulting paper size is A4, because the "oversized" factor is nulled by the crop offset. While I can work around this "feature", the behaviour is different from earlier versions. Can’t check with MkIV, since that doesn’t work any more, as reported by Pablo et al. Hraban