Jelle Huisman wrote:
Hi all,
In my project I \input a number of text files into a double-column layout. One of the layout requests is: "no hyphenation over right page breaks allowed". I can't think of a way to do this, but I would be happy if someone knew a way to prevent hyphenation of the last word of the last line in the second column on odd pages. (Yes, I can fix it later, but I want to prevent it.) (Still on MkII)
There is only \brokenpenalty : \brokenpenalty 10000 \def\defaultbrokenpenalty {10000} \def\defaultgridbrokenpenalty {10000} This prevents ConTeXt from breaking any page after any line that ends with a hyphen. That is not quite to what you asked, but it is about the best that can be done automatically because in TeX, there is no direct interaction between the paragraph breaker and the page breaker. (well, you can probably patch the output routine in some way so that this setting is only in effect on odd pages, but in multicolumn mode the definition of "odd page" could be problematic). Best wishes, Taco