2006/10/9, Wolfgang Schuster <schuster.wolfgang@googlemail.com>:

2006/10/7, Tobias Burnus <burnus@net-b.de>:

Using \combinepages[some-pdf][nx=3,ny=5], I get:

1  2  3
4  5  6
7  8  9
10 11 12

However, I'd like to get:
1  5  9
2  6 10
3  7 11
4  8 12

How can one achieve this? (I want to create again a poster out of talk.pdf.)

Hi Tobias,
I can provide a first draft of a solution to your problem.
The frame around the combination should you show a small problem with my correction,
it is up to you change this and maybe to wikify this.

[old macro deleted]
I changed the macro to a (for mee) more readable form.


% a new variable for horizontal (default) direction

\startvariables            dutch                     english
                           german                    czech
                           italian                   romanian

               horizontal: horizontal                horizontal
                           horizontal                horizontal
                           horizontal                horizontal


% we extract the combine macros from the core

\def\docombinepages[#1][#2]% a=perpag b=free
   \doifelse\@@ipdirection\v!horizontal\docombinepageshorizontal\docombinepagesvertical#1 % watch the #1 ;-)

% we work from left to right and from top to bottom

       {\vbox to \textheight
           {\hsize\textwidth % ? ?
            \!!widtha \dimexpr(\hsize-\@@ipnx\scratchdimen+\scratchdimen)/\@@ipnx\relax
              {\hbox to \hsize
                    {\vbox to \!!heighta
                        \hbox to \hsize
                           \else\ifnum\combinedpagescounter>\@@ipn \else
        \ifnum\combinedpagescounter>\@@ipn \exitloop\fi}
          \hbox to \hsize
                \ifnum\combinedpagescounter>\@@ipn \else
                      \c!width=\the\!!widtha,% todo \freezedimenmacro

% we work from top to bottom and from left to right, no alternative=b

     {\vbox %to \textheight % neccesary?
         \!!widtha \dimexpr(\hsize-\@@ipnx\scratchdimen+\scratchdimen)/\@@ipnx\relax
         \hbox to \hsize
              {\vbox to \vsize
                     \hbox to \hsize
                        \vbox to \!!heighta
                           \else\ifnum\combinedpagescounter>\@@ipn \else
      \ifnum\combinedpagescounter>\@@ipn \exitloop\fi}}





