uups. I was to quick with my answer: in the meantime I did reset my $PATH
variable in order to use
the texlive-context version again. so adding the
\enabledirectives[modules.permitunprefixed] and recompiling
the document did not proof anything (stupid error...). so I have now
retried with the current standalone
`context' and -- alas! -- the `undefined control sequence' error does not
go away. do be specifc:
-- document and module reside in the same directory
-- the module is residing in file `t-title.tex' and defines (upon others)
-- the document loads the module with `\usemodule[title]' (which is now
preceded by `\enabledirectives[modules.permitunprefixed]')
and then uses `\doctitle' which triggers the error.
-- right now, the standalone `context' binary is at the very top of $PATH.
any ideas?
On Tue, 23 Dec 2014 14:15:42 +0100, j. van den hoff
On Mon, 22 Dec 2014 22:35:43 +0100, Wolfgang Schuster
wrote: Am 22.12.2014 um 00:12 schrieb j. van den hoff
: OK, I've just installed the standalone version and adjusted my search path. now the very same document does no longer compile. I get the error:
8<--------------------------- ! Undefined control sequence
<recently read> \doctitle
l.106 \doctitle 8<--------------------------- where `doctitle' is defined in a small bare bones module (co-existing in the same dir as the doc) for setting up a title page. I guess I'm hitting some (context-) searchpath issue here that already is taken care of in the texlive distro? any help'd be appreciated.
I guess you load the file with your definitions with the \usemodule command.
There has been a change a while ago and context expects now a prefix when you load a module (e.g. p-<myfile>.tex) and when you add now the prefix to your file context will be able to load it. Another solution is to add
before the \usemodule command in your document, the command above tells context to also look for modules without a prefix as last resort.
yes, this one did the trick. thanks a lot. regarding the prefix handling/recognition, I don't quite get it (_what_ is considered a prefix, e.g. is there a canonical prefix separator etc. or where do I define the prefix?). I'll try to hunt for it on contextgarden. if you do have a pointer, though, that'd be nice.
in any casse, many thanks for sorting this one out.
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