Hi all, I'm sure there must be a solution for this, but I haven't been able to find it yet: I want my chapter titles typeset in a sort of frame which will span the entire page, not only the text area, so I guess the easiest way to do that would be a page background. How can I set up a background that will appear only on the title page, in addition to the regular background? Bonus question: I also want the color schemes of both backgrounds to be different in every chapter, so the solution should make this possible. The example is a bit silly, but it shows what I'm looking for, I hope. Thanks, and all best Thomas \setuplayout [header=0cm, topspace=1.625cm, footer=0cm, width=fit, height=fit] \definecolor [color:background] [r=0.86,g=0.61,b=0.54] \definecolor [color:title] [r=0.91,g=0.75,b=0.7] \startuseMPgraphic{background:normal} StartPage ; numeric h ; h = 10mm ; z[1] = ulcorner Page ; z[2] = urcorner Page ; z[3] = z[2] shifted (0, -h) ; z[4] = z[1] shifted (0, -h) ; path p ; p = z[1] -- z[2] -- z[3] -- z[4] -- cycle ; fill p withcolor \MPcolor{color:background} ; StopPage ; \stopuseMPgraphic \defineoverlay [background:normal] [\useMPgraphic{background:normal}] \startuseMPgraphic{background:title} StartPage ; numeric h ; h = 10mm ; z[1] = ulcorner Page shifted (0, -1.5*h) ; z[2] = urcorner Page shifted (0, -1.5*h); z[3] = z[2] shifted (0, -h) ; z[4] = z[1] shifted (0, -h) ; path p ; p = z[1] -- z[2] -- z[3] -- z[4] -- cycle ; fill p withcolor \MPcolor{color:title}; StopPage ; \stopuseMPgraphic \defineoverlay [background:title] [\useMPgraphic{background:title}] \setupbackgrounds[page][background={background:normal,background:title}] \starttext \startchapter[title=One] \input tufte \page \input knuth \stopchapter \startchapter[title=Two] \definecolor [color:background] [r=0.82,g=0.85,b=0.68] \definecolor [color:title] [r=0.86,g=0.88,b=0.76] \input tufte \page \input knuth \stopchapter \stoptext