Hi, there was a question on the Stackexchange site [*] with a problem for the \starthanging environment when the alignment is R2L. Here is shortened version of the example: %%%% begin example \useMPlibrary[dum] \starttext \starthanging[location=left]{\externalfigure[dummy][width=4cm,height=3\lineheight]} \input tufte \stophanging \blank \startalignment[righttoleft] \starthanging[location=left]{\externalfigure[dummy][width=4cm,height=3\lineheight]} \input tufte \stophanging \stopalignment \stoptext %%%% end example The problem is that \hangindent behaves the same for L2R and R2L alignment unlike the other formatting commands (\hangindent or \leftskip) for paragraphs. %%%% begin example \showframe[text][text] \setuphead [subject] [align=lefttoright, indentnext=yes] \starttext \startbuffer \subject{Normal paragraph} \input ward \subject{Leftskip} \start \leftskip 4em \input ward\par \stop \subject{Parindent} \start \parindent 4em \input ward\par \stop \subject{Hangindent} \start \hangindent 4em \hangafter -2 \input ward\par \stop \stopbuffer \title{Left to right} \startalignment[lefttoright] \getbuffer \stopalignment \title{Right to left} \startalignment[righttoleft] \getbuffer \stopalignment \stoptext %%%% end example [*] http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/268688/correct-inconsistent-image-pla... Wolfgang