On 10/10/2017 01:02 AM, Hans Hagen wrote:
as said, it will not be an engine supported features as it's technically impossible without messing up the backend (and we don't want to mess up stable code with fragile hacks)
Many thanks for the reply, Hans. I understand the problem now with fragile hacks. Sorry for having insisted in my proposal. I fixed the external PDF figure (http://pdf.ousia.tk/icc-vector.pdf) and I used with in the following sample: \setupbackend [format=PDF/A-3a, intent=sRGB IEC61966-2.1, profile={sRGB.icc,default_gray.icc}, level=0] \setuptagging[state=start] \setupcolors[cmyk=no, pagecolormodel=auto] \startTEXpage[offset=1em] \externalfigure[icc-vector.pdf] \stopTEXpage \stoptext http://pdf.ousia.tk/icc-vector.pdf is the same graphic as http://pdf.ousia.tk/basic-figures.pdf, but with an ICC profile. The veraPDF validator (http://verapdf.org) says it’s a valid PDF/A-1b document. But the output from the sample above (http://pdf.ousia.tk/xobject-noicc.pdf) isn’t a valid PDF/A document. The external figure has no ICC profile. The uncompressed PDF document reveals that the XObject has no reference to any ICC profile. I’m afraid this might be a bug. Many thanks for your help, Pablo -- http://www.ousia.tk