On 22 jun. 2012, at 10:53, Wolfgang Schuster wrote:
Am 21.06.2012 um 16:27 schrieb Meer, H. van der:
Can one put individual horizontal and vertical lines between rows/columns in xtable? Just like for example \HL in \starttable?
You can use MetaPost to draw the rules but it’s awkward because you can make a setup like this
which is only supported by natural tables. It would be simpler when stables had a counter like \currentxtablecolumn which could be accessed to make a test like “if \currentxtablecolumn = 1 then … fi” but this isn’t the case.
I see. No hope here. But I found some sort of solution which I communicate here. It is bit of a kludge but does more or less what I had in mind. The following macros do the work in my xml=>xtable module: <table frameon="t,b"> also <thead> <tr> <td> and so on. \def\setframeparts#1#2#3{% \doifinset{t}{#1}{#3[topframe=#2]}% \doifinset{b}{#1}{#3[bottomframe=#2]}% \doifinset{l}{#1}{#3[leftframe=#2]}% \doifinset{r}{#1}{#3[rightframe=#2]}% } ..#2 being \setupxtable or \setupframed, just as needed \doifnot{\xmlatt{#1}{frameon}}{\empty}% {#2[frame=off]\setframeparts{\xmlatt{#1}{frameon}}{on}{#2}}% \doifnot{\xmlatt{#1}{frameoff}}{\empty}% {#2[frame=on]\setframeparts{\xmlatt{#1}{frameoff}}{off}{#2}}% ..
The workings of parameter spaceinbetween on \startxtable remain a mystery to me. Can someone enlighten me?
It inserts a space between each row, the amount of space is the same as \blank[…] would insert.
Do I conclude correctly that the dimension of the space is fixed to what \blank[] does? I experimented with various values, but did not get much out of it. Hans van der Meer