On Sun, Feb 14 2010, Hans Hagen wrote:
sqrt = math.sqrt pi = math.pi function my_equation(s, r)
beware, this creates (and possibly overloads) sqrt, pi and my_equation as gobals
Indeed... The following hack was *not* so quick, but there is a bug somewhere (a digit is added at the end): \usemodule[calcmath] \startluacode local exp_replacements = {["*"] = "$·$"} local res_replacements = {["sqrt"] = "math.sqrt", ["π"] = "math.pi"} userdata = userdata or {} function userdata.result_as_string(r) r = math.floor(1000 * r + 0.5) / 1000 r = tostring(r) tex.write(r:gsub("%.", ",")) end function userdata.filter_expression(s) for k, v in pairs(exp_replacements) do s = s:gsub(k, v) end tex.write(s) end function userdata.filter_result(s) for k, v in pairs(res_replacements) do s = s:gsub(k, v) end tex.write(s) end \stopluacode \def\calculate#1{% \start \def\Expression{\ctxlua{userdata.filter_expression("#1")}} \def\Result{\ctxlua{userdata.filter_result("#1")}} \calcmath{\Expression=\ctxlua{userdata.result_as_string(\Result)}} \stop } \starttext \startlines \calculate{1+2} \calculate{3/2-1} \calculate{3*2} \calculate{sqrt(2)} \calculate{2*π} \stoplines \stoptext Cheers, Peter -- Contact information: http://pmrb.free.fr/contact/