Hi Two questions about the m-pstric.tex file (version=1997.01.15). 1) When I try to use pstricks to generate a pdf file it stops when it tries to run dvips. It seems that it tries to run dvips without the -o flag. That works very well in Windows, but in Linux it will be sent to the standard printer and not to a .ps file that way (by default. When commenting out the o |lpr in config.ps it all works), so there is an error. The -o flag works in windows too (If my memory isn't to bad). So if there is a way to add that flag I would be happy. Adding the flags -G0 -Ppdf would be great to I think. That is, the command should be something like dvips -G0 -Ppdf file(.dvi) -o (file.ps) (where the things in () can be left out). 2) I also see in the m-pstric.tex file that only multido, pstricks and pst-plot are loaded. Is there a way to make it an option what packages to load. There are alot of nice pstrick packages I think (pst-3d,pst-fill,pst-char and so on...) For LaTeX users there is also a pst-all.sty that easily loads all pstricks packages. A similar pst-all.tex or an option to load them all would also be nice. Regards, Micke P