30 Oct
30 Oct
9:07 p.m.
Hans Hagen schrieb am 30.10.2024 um 21:41:
On 10/30/2024 9:35 PM, Wolfgang Schuster wrote:
\starttexdefinition protected tolerant electrons #=#=
ok, can you check the attached 'module'
1. You're checking the wrong parameter (should be \ifparameter#1\or). \ifparameter#2\or \cdef\currentelectrons{#1}% \fi 2. Using \installframedcommandhandler can be useful because it allows changing the \framed width and height but it requires a few changes: a) Map style and style to foregroundstyle and foregroundcolor b) Change the depth key to another name, e.g. voffset. 3. Add \doifsymboldefinedelse to check for all input before you place the box/symbol. Wolfgang