On vendredi, déc 20, 2002, at 09:59 Europe/Paris, Hans Hagen wrote:
At 06:48 PM 12/19/2002 +0100, Otared Kavian wrote:
On jeudi, déc 19, 2002, at 15:26 Europe/Paris, Adam Lindsay wrote:
I'm running into odd problems with Acrobat Reader, though. I try filling out, say, calcmath.pdf with a simple formula, but the "Go Ahead" button gives the error: "Form submission is not allowed in this document." That seems wrong, especially when I examine the Document Security -> Form Field Fill-in or Signing and it says "Allowed."
It's starting to look like I need to use Acrobat as a web plugin before I can submit any forms. But it's not available as a browser plugin for Mac OS X yet...
Has anyone else encountered this? Solved it?
eXaMpLe seems really exciting...
I use ConTeXt under Mac OS X 10.2 and I just tried the file "calculat.pdf", opening it with "Acrobat Reader 5.0.5". (I don't have "calcmath.pdf" to try what Adam L. says). Notwithstanding what Hans and others say about the Acrobat plug-in, I didn't encounter any problem with the buttons on "calculat.pdf".
so, widgets are supported?
Yes, I tried also another example file you have on your site "pdfclock.pdf", which works fine like "calculat.pdf", both with Acrobat Reader 5.0.5 and Acrobat Reader 5.1 for Mac OS X.
Where can one find the file "calcmath.pdf" to try to reproduce the problem?
in the cont-exa.zip on www.pragma-ade.tex/context/beta (see previous mails)
Thanks, Hans. I tried "calcmath.pdf" as well but when pushing the button "Go Ahead" I got the message "You need to be running inside a web browser in order to submit this form" with Acrobat Reader 5.0.5 (and with Acrobat 4.0 which works under the "Classic" or Mac OS 9 environment). The same experience with Acrobat Reader 5.1 produces the message "Form submission is not allowed in this document". Regarding native PDF support under Mac OS X, actually what is supported (as far as I have experienced) is that one can "print" into a PDF file. But when the document itself has hyperlinks (such as http://www.pragma-ade.nl for instance) in the resulting pdf file the link is NOT active. Cheers: OK