Thank you for your explanations, and yes I probably do need percent
signs if my test case had been more severe. Hans, with characteristic
swiftness, already sent me back a vastly improved version which I will
test as soon as I get a chance.
2006/6/7, Taco Hoekwater
I do not have R installed here. but:
Johan Sandblom wrote:
% I would like to reduce this two-stage call, but then line-endings disappear
This two-stage approach is required unless each statement in R is terminated uniquely, by something like a semicolon because then you could redefine the semicolon at the writing stage.
\def\startR% {\bgroup \obeylines \catcode`\%=\@@letter \catcode`\#=\@@letter \dostartR% }%
Don't you need percent signs at the end of the @@letter lines?
\stopmode \typeRout% \egroup}%
You can make that
\stopmode \egroup \typeRout }
because \typefile doesnt need \obeylines
Cheers, Taco
-- Johan Sandblom N8, MRC, Karolinska sjh t +46851776108 17176 Stockholm m +46735521477 Sweden "What is wanted is not the will to believe, but the will to find out, which is the exact opposite" - Bertrand Russell