Hi everyone, I have three questions regarding the use of abbreviations in mkiv: it seems that there is a difference between the way in which mkii and mkiv treat the definitions of synonyms. If one considers the minimal example: % ----- begin abbrev-test.tex \definesynonyms[abbreviation][abbreviations][\infull][\inshort] \starttext \abbreviation{LCTVS}{Locally Convex Topological Vector Space} \abbreviation{EEG} {Electroencephalogram} \abbreviation{ERP} {Event-Related Potentials} \abbreviation{TVS}{Topological Vector Space} Test inshort: \inshort{EEG}, \inshort{ERP}, \inshort{TVS}, Test infull: \infull{EEG}, \infull{ERP}, \infull{TVS}, \infull{LCTVS} \completelistofabbreviations \stoptext % ----- end abbrev-test.tex my questions are the following: 1) How can I tell mkiv that I want \infull{EEG} result in Electroencephalogram not in "ELECTROENCEPHALOGRAM"? 2) It seems that the order in which \infull and \inshort are defined in \definesynonyms[abbreviation][abbreviations][\infull][\inshort] is different in mkii and in mkiv: is this observation correct? 3) Is it possible to obtain, beside the list of abbreviations, another ordered list in which the full variant is in the first column while the short variant is in the second column? That is something like: \completeReverseListOfAbbreviations resulting in Electroencephalogram EEG Event-Related Potentials ERP Locally Convex Topological Vector Space LCTVS Topological Vector Space TVS Thanks in advance for any help or insight. Best regards: OK